Saturday 6 September 2008

Every Man Sees You Naked by David Matthews

Every Man Sees You Naked: An Insider's Guide to How Men Think
I've always wondered: What makes a man behave the way he does? What goes through a man's mind? Do all men think the same way?
Yes, I know-Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus (or vice versa). But really, what are they thinking?
I've often wondered-why does a man think burping loud and long is somehow a mating call? Do they all think that when we roll our eyes to the back of our head after they've done such a ghastly sound, that we're thinking "ooohhh, baby, come to mamma"???
I've asked my husband. He says he doesn't know-I bet he does, but after 27 years, he still wants to keep parts of his existence as a surprise to me.
David Matthews did something his "brothers" wouldn't / couldn't do-he wrote a book about it. Who is David Matthews, other than being a man? He's an Emmy award winning composer/writer/producer of several shows-the Young and the Restless, The Nanny and Half and Half.
No this doesn't make him an expert-just as I am not an expert on what makes a woman behave and think the way we do, just because I'm a woman. After all, I'm sure there must be some woman out there who does think "belching" is a turn-on and who am I to say she shouldn't? But the book is written with a good deal of insight and humor.
He tries to explain the myths about his sex and answers questions that, if we haven't, we've all been dying to ask!
Some of the things that Matthews reveals is: Why does a guy ask you out? What men like and what they hate. Is there something a man looks for in a woman? (In my mind, it better not be a mother!) Want to know what a man wants when you and he are "under the sheets"? David tackles this dilemma head on and in detail. While I'm sure many women will applaud and thank him for his candor-I could have done with just a brief overview, but that's me. Also, he's a man-from what I've discerned, men like things in graphic detail.
This is a book written for a woman by a man. I'm not sure if it started out as an exercise in trying to communicate better with the women in his life (he does dedicate it to his wife) or if it was written to truly help out women all over the world understand the men in their lives. That would best be decided by you after you've stopped reading my review and have read the book for yourself.
Matthews does accomplish what he says the book is meant to do-honestly tell you how a man thinks, according to a man. We may not like the answers, but with this short book "Every Man Sees You Naked", at least we have a version of the truth.